History Lesson
As Corio Vertue was not in a fit state to be sailed from Sydney to Melbourne I had her trucked down to her new home at Westernport Marina, Hastings. Once CV had been placed into her cradle I began the task of sorting of sorting out the good and bad, and removing all wiring and plumbing. I had not been going too long when a chap approached and asked for the name of the boat. When I replied "Corio Vertue" you could not believe the absolute surprise in me when he said that he had sailed in CV in the mid 1960's and hadn't seen her since.
The chaps name was Rob Stott and he had seen CV on the back of the truck parked outside a motel in Hastings and recognised the boat as a Vertue but there was no name on the moat. The next couple of hours were spent talking about Rob's times on the boat and about Wil Heard the first owner and builder.
A couple of weeks later Rob came into the boat yard and gave me some clippings about CV's win in the 1965 Queenscliff - Devonport yacht race. The boat did not win by boat speed but sheer cunning. The race fleet were close to the mouth of the River Tamar when the wind died and the race fleet start drifting backwards with the tide. CV was close to shore and Wil Heard dropped the anchor and watched the fleet drift past him. Once the wind picked up CV was ahead of the fleet and crossed the finish line first!
The photo caption reads:The 25ft Geelong sloop Corio Vertue, outright winner of the Queenscliff-Devonport yacht race, pictured at Devonport with its crew. Corio Vertue, the smallest yacht in the field also gained first placing in the second division of the race. The trim sloop took 51 hours 55 seconds for the the Strait crossing. Crew members are (from left) Darrel Morrison, Jack Stewart, Wil Heard (skipper) and Robert Stott. The Advocate 31/12/1965